Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)
Certified Quality Controls
GLP | Good Laboratory Practice
In order to ensure the high quality of BALLISTOL products permanently, thorough quality monitoring is carried out in our company’s own laboratory. The examination practices here are of course in accordance with the GLP guidelines (Good Laboratory Practice) for the carrying out of safety checks on chemical products.
| Certificate in German speech
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
Carefully Manufactured
GMP | Good Manufacturing Practice
Quality assurance is a top priority at BALLISTOL and goes without saying for us as a producer of caring oils for people and animals. In keeping with our own high standards we are therefore also, of course, GMP-certified. The GMP guidelines are for the quality assurance of the production processes and environment, for the manufacturing of medicines, active agents, cosmetics, foodstuffs and feedstuffs.
| Certificate in German speech